The Twelfth Century was the golden age of Roman art. Symbols were still a prevalent means of expression. In "Initiation to Roman symbolism” Marie-Madeleine Davy aims to introduce the public to the religious symbols of this 12th Century civilisation. With comprehensive knowledge of the mystic writers of the 12th Century, the considerations of mystic life therefore occupy a prime position in this book. The study of the context of 12th Century religious thought contains profound reflection, and notably the idea that the symbol offers elevation above our mortal condition. Marie-Madeleine Davy also offers us detailed analysis on the sources of the symbolism used by 12th Century religious writers: biblical, Patristic and ancient sources. She studies the symbols which these authors refer to in the contemplation of nature, according to two guiding principles: the world is a symbolic mirror, and the microcosm corresponds with the macrocosm. We make the hugely interesting discovery of symbolism within worship, music, numbers and literature. On this last point, the Quest for the Holy Grail assumes a pivotal position.
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