
Dr Bach’s floral elixirs

Dr Bach’s floral elixirs

What are Dr Bach’s floral elixirs?

In 1930, Dr Edward Bach, doctor, homeopath and bacteriologist, decided to dedicate his research to the energies of the plant world. He was convinced that good health was the product of mental and spiritual harmony.

He discovered the existence of a link between certain plants and certain mental states: fear and apprehension, uncertainty and indecision, solitude, disinterest in the present moment, sensitivity to outside influences, despondency and hopelessness, excessive concern when responsible for others, etc.

He thus formulated 38 floral elixirs to help people overcome the kind of mental unrest and emotional imbalances that undermine personal growth.

Dr Bach created his elixirs using flowers that had been soaked in spring water and which he left exposed to the sun’s powerful rays. The water would take on the beneficial powers built up over time by the plant.


How to choose the best floral elixirs for you

The first thing you must do is identify the emotion you are experiencing. This is something that can be done alone or with the help of a friend or relative.

Once you have identified the emotion, consult the list of Bach’s Flowers and decide which best addresses your needs and will help you re-discover harmony.

Bach’s Flowers are not harmful. They can be used by anyone, irrespective of their age or health condition. Your personality, temperament, concerns and behaviour are all sources of information which can be used to guide your choice of elixir. With time, positive feelings will replace negative emotions or symptoms.


Some example uses of Dr Bach’s floral elixirs

A professional problem?

Gentian to respond to doubt and discouragement

Star of Bethlehemwhen faced with unforeseen change.



Olive for extreme physical or mental fatigue.

Vervain for anyone who is driven by an intense enthusiasm which prevents them from relaxing.

Centaury for those who are reluctant to impose limits on themselves and are unable to say no.


An exam or driving test to sit?

Larchfor a lack of self-confidence or a fear of failure.

Emergency rescue to aid relaxation in the moments just before a test.


A separation?

Honeysuckle to help gain a feeling of detachment from the past.

Willow to forget grudges or feelings of injustice.

Walnut to help you confront any doubts associated with a period of change.


Trouble sleeping?

Rock Rose for nightmares.

White Chestnut for obsessive thoughts which you are unable to shake off.

Agrimonyfor the concerns which keep us awake at night.



How are floral elixirs used?

Are the causes of your emotions recent or long-standing?

  •              If they are recent, use the floral elixirs directly by placing 4 drops below the tongue, 4 times a day. Repetition over time is more effective than one large dose.
  •              If the causes are long-standing, use the floral elixirs in diluted form. Pour still mineral water, a teaspoon of cognac or fruit vinegar to help preserve your mixture, along with 2 to 5 drops of the chosen elixir or elixirs into a 30ml dropper bottle. To be taken in 4-drop doses 4 times a day. Here again, the frequency is more important than the quantity.


How many elixirs can be taken and for how long?

Taking more than 6 elixirs at the same time is not recommended. It is always advisable to prioritise the elixirs which seem best suited to your current situation. Switching, stopping or resuming elixir poses no difficulty whatsoever.

As for the duration, that’s entirely up to you. A single dose might be enough to overcome your problem. But you may also need to prolong the use of a floral elixir for a period of several days, or even weeks. Your feelings will be your best guide.


Floral elixirs for animals and plants

Generally speaking, animals and plants react more quickly than humans to Dr Bach’s therapy. The elixir should be chosen following observation of the plant or animal’s behaviour.

Some examples for animals

 Heatherfor dogs which bark for no reason.

 Chicory for an animal which craves continuous attention.

 Mimulus for an anxious animal

 Emergency rescue for infections, accidents, bruises, fractures…



A few drops mixed into food or diluted into a drink, or placed directly into the animal’s mouth. For a compress, add 6 drops to a litre of water, soak the compress and apply to the injury.


Some examples for plants

Hornbeam to boost growth.

Olive for plants which seem drained or fatigued.

Crab Apple to combat parasites.

Walnut to help a freshly cut flower adapt to its new environment.

Wild Rose to preserve cut flowers for longer.

Emergency rescue to protect plants or flowers from the harmful effects of their environment.



Place between 5 and 10 drops in the water used for the plant or directly into the water cut flowers are kept in. Use emergency rescue as a base for any treatment and add whichever of Bach’s flowers corresponds to the particular situation.


Product quality - Our commitment

The company Jacques David has been awarded the “Nature and Progress” organic label, guaranteeing the quality of the entirety of the products used to produce its elixirs and cream. It remains faithful to the production techniques developed by Dr Edward Bach himself. Furthermore, it works in collaboration with the organisation “Friends of Dr Bach”, which ensures respect for the approach which Dr Bach wished to be the hallmark of his method.

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